Monday, 24 March 2014

Siebel Open UI - How to fix Form applet display issue in Chrome

Open UI form applets have some issue, when it rendering in Google Chrome.The controls are overlapped as shown below.
Fix without JS
Open a CSS file your application referring paste the below css

td {
    border: 1px solid transparent;

clear the cache and try :-)

Fix with JS (as per oracle doc)
As per oracle technical document we can fix this issue with a piece of code

if (typeof(SiebelAppFacade.ChromeSpaceFix) == "undefined") { Namespace('SiebelAppFacade.ChromeSpaceFix'); (function() { SiebelApp.EventManager.addListner("postload", ChromeTdSpaceFix, this); function ChromeTdSpaceFix() { try { $("#_svf0 table.GridBack").find("tr").children("td").each(function(index) { var regex = /(height)(\s*):(\s*)([^;]*)/, el = $(this), st = el.attr("style"), match = regex.exec(st); if (match && Number(match[4]) &&":empty") && el.siblings().length != el.siblings(":empty").length) { st = st.replace("height", "x­height"); el.attr("style", st + "height:" + Number(match[4]) + "px;"); } }); } catch (error) { // Nothing to do. } } }()); }

Now you can add this file as Platform common ( & or Application -> common as (
you can see the above fix from here

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Siebel OpenUI : Calender Issues

Siebel OpenUI : Calender Issues

Siebel OpenUI currently not supporting SI Classes and Applets referring to that type. That is why Salutation applets are shown with a "question mark". Open UI will not render these classes of applet.
Calender functionality is one of the main features of Siebel. Many Customers are using this feature to schedule their activities.In Siebel we have two kinds of Calenders. HI calender and SI type. Normally in home pages you can see SI calenders and that will not work in OpenUI. Even though OpenUI render this applets, that doesn't work properly.  Siebel Non OpenUI version needs SI applets in its home page. So we need to toggle these two applets in between OpenUI and Non OpenUI.

In order to do that, we can use Personalization.

In the home page view you can Include both Calenders. Now got to Administration- Personalization -> Applets.
Create two new records for two applets (HI & SI)

To display in HI: GetProfileAttr("IsOpenUI") < 1 OR GetProfileAttr("IsOpenUI") IS NULL
To display in OUI: GetProfileAttr("IsOpenUI") > 0

GetProfileAttr("IsOpenUI") will be 1 in OpenUI applications.